- Image by drgandy via Flickr
Think you and 3 of your friends have what it takes to be Awesome? Get ready to take it up a notch! The Asheville City Schools Foundation will be hosting a “Field Day of Awesomeness!” on Sunday, April 18 at the Asheville High School Field. Proceeds benefit Asheville City Schools Foundation and Manna Food Bank.
Get ready for the Field Day of Awesomeness!
The equation:
10 twisted field day events + you + 3 of your friends = AWESOME!Join Asheville City Schools Foundation and Richard Handy (Asheville Idiotarod) on Sunday, April 18th for a hysterical competition that will challenge and thrill you.
Wear your most awesome team theme costumes, practice your Moon Walk and prepare to get excited!
Find out more at www.acsf.org/fieldday.html and register to participate.
You bring the noise. We