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App State biologist is top scientist for studying fall color

Howard Neufeld is known as the Fall Color Guy. It’s his Facebook page – – his twitter handle (@fallcolorguy) and it’s the role he’s adopted. This biology professor at Appalachian State is one of the few scientists worldwide to study the hows and why of fall color. His color forecasts are as accurate as they get, and he’s worked with everyone from the N.C. Division of Tourism to Explore Asheville to get the word out about Western North Carolina’s fall leaves. Why? Because he loves fall, has a passion for the science behind the beauty, and because he wants you to get out and enjoy nature in all its glory.

Q. What gave you the passion for leaves and the science behind why they change colors?

A. I grew in Fredrick, Md., right at the base of the first chain of the Blue Ridge. In the fall, my family would take hikes. We’d go to Washington Monument State Park and watch the maples and oaks turn beautiful colors. Little kids like to slosh their feet through the leaves so since I was a kid, I’ve

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