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Updated: Thursday, October 17 2013, 07:40 PM EDT
Furloughed workers across the country are back on the job. Thousands have been on unpaid vacations for over 2 weeks due the federal government shutdown.
Employees with the Blue Ridge Parkway say it was hard not working since the beginning of the month. And they say it felt strange not being on the job during the busiest time of year, with the leaves changing color.
Although the Parkway itself remained open, rangers say for 2 weeks it was hard watching visitors getting turned away from the Visitors Center.
Deputy Assistant Superintendent Monika Mayr, was furloughed. She says it was not a financial hardship for her but she says not having a paycheck for 2 weeks was difficult for many workers. She’s glad the deal in Washington will get checks moving again. Back pay for all the furloughed employees was included in the bill that was signed, says Mayr.
Workers at the federal building in Asheville say they’re glad to get back to work too, calling the time off unsettling.
Back pay is expected to be included in federal workers’ next paycheck. For most, that’s October 25th.
By Rex Hodge Article source: http://www.wlos.com/shared/news/features/top-stories/stories/wlos_federal-employees-back-work-13645.shtml
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