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Building block sculptures awe visitors to arboretum

Unlike the real ones zipping across the artificial pond nearby, this larger-than-life dragonfly has a 4-foot wingspan and consists of 6,535 Lego pieces, designed, built and glued together by contemporary sculpture artist Sean Kenney.

Moreau, 4, and his brother Zach, 2, know a few things about Legos, the colorful, interlocking plastic bricks loved by kids the world over. They have a set of Duplos, which are double the size of traditional Legos to make them easier to handle and less likely to be swallowed by young children.

“We usually make towers out of our Duplo Legos,” said their mother, Erin Moreau, who brought her kids from Bostic along with her parents from Asheville, to see the Kenney display at the Arboretum. “Alex likes to make gas stations, too.”

Alex was amazed by the dragonfly, but his favorite Kenney creation was the American bumblebee buzzing over visitors in the Arboretum’s greenhouse. Kenney’s bee stands 4 feet long and 3 feet wide, made from 16,383 Lego bricks of yellow, black and gray.

Kenney, a Brooklyn, N.Y.-based artist, spent so much time playing with Lego toys as a child that he decided to make a career of it. Bagging his desk job of 10 years, he became

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