Jenny said it is an understatement to say that the grandchildren’s participation in that event, for which Barbara worked so tirelessly, made her “really happy.”
The grandkids, ages 11 to 23, were merely expected to show up and be charming. Instead, they worked together to create a spectacular program for the day of back-to-back tours during the conference weekend.
“Mom wanted her grandchildren to act as docents, and I think it says a lot about how much they think of her that they all made time in their very busy schedules to travel (four of them) to Asheville to do this,” Jenny said.
“They put their heads together and developed a very informative, personal and well-received set of presentations, when all Mom really expected was that they’d be present to answer questions that might arise,” Jenny said. “They really wanted to go above and beyond for her, and they definitely didn’t disappoint.”
Suzanne agreed, saying she believes that the afternoon the grandchildren gave the tours was “one of the happiest moments for Mom.”
“The guests loved the decorations, but many said the most beautiful aspect was the passion her grandchildren shared
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