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McAdenville, Christmas Town USA, goes all a-twinkle for holiday

— Back in August, a six-man crew began untangling the string of half a million Christmas lights, a web of twinkles and glimmers big enough to blanket the town in red, green and gold.

They tested every bulb, tossing out the duds.

They climbed into cherry-picker trucks and draped the strands over 375 trees, some of them 40 feet tall.

They worked three months to transform McAdenville into a yuletide version of the Las Vegas strip, a glittery attraction that draws 600,000 people a year, creating the world’s most festive traffic jam.

Then they threw the big switch.

“It’s just like a Maine Christmas!” raved Floyd Smith, a 68-year-old grandfather who traveled 900 miles for the sight. “Merry Christmas from a Yankee.”

With a population of just 651, this tiny town west of Charlotte manages to lure families in a mile-long line of cars, even on a Tuesday night, their children waving out of sun roofs and passenger windows.

In 2011, ranked McAdenville No. 7 on its list of best Christmas light displays nationwide, putting the Gaston County mill town just behind New York, Walt Disney World and Branson, Mo.

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