We just got back from a wonderful trip to the Tennessee Homecoming Festival at the Museum of Appalachia. Neither of us is from Tennessee, but when I read about the event on the Internet, it sounded like something we’d enjoy. And we did.
In Tennessee, I saw more Waffle Houses and little white clapboard country Baptist churches than I could imagine existed. I heard countless perfect strangers call me “honey” or “darlin’,” and bluegrass music by the hour. Usually, I’m annoyed when a person I don’t know calls me “honey,” but somehow, in Tennessee it didn’t bother me. Maybe it was because the people seemed so genuinely friendly. And bluegrass music is in my heritage, but it’s not something I love. However, when sitting on a bale of hay breakfasting on a ham biscuit and coffee with chicory, or lunching on pinto beans and cornbread served up by the ladies of Hickory Grove Baptist Church, bluegrass is just right.
We saw corn ground in a gristmill, and sorghum cane crushed into syrup, baskets being woven, dulcimers hand-crafted and fruit cobbler cooked in cast-iron Dutch ovens nested in a bed of
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