Nothing says Fall like colorful leaves and seasoned woodpiles!
It’s Election Day! Hope that each of our readers is a registered voter in North Carolina and will make their wishes known today at the polls. Kudos as well to all who made use of Early Voting.
Bright blue skies and chilly temperatures let us know that fall is really here. Pumpkins have been relegated to the compost pile under mounds of raked leaves. This is great weather to be picking apples, watching formations of geese fly south or just enjoying a warm, sunny spot to relax while reading the news. Around Davidson travels today with Margo and Bill Williams in Italy, welcomes a new grandbaby for Bob and Mary Thornberry and congratulates Steve and Phyllis Justus on the marriage of their son, Luke.
Welcome to the World, Hazel Judith Haleberry (JessicaLK Photography)
Congratulations to first
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