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Western Carolina’s ‘Sounds of the Season’ Sunday

WCU present Sounds of the Season concert

CULLOWHEE – The School of Music at Western Carolina University will present its annual “Sounds of the Season” holiday concert at 3 p.m. Sunday in the John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center on campus.

The performance, featuring faculty and students in small chamber groups and larger ensembles, is $15 for adults, $10 for seniors and WCU faculty and staff, $5 for students and children. All proceeds benefit the School of Music Scholarship Fund. For tickets, visit or call 227-2479.

This year’s program will include performances by the University Chorus and Concert Choir, accompanied by members of the Western Carolina Civic Orchestra and student and faculty musicians playing sections from Antonia Vivaldi’s “Gloria,” among many other selections.

Santa will lead everyone in a sing-along to close the program.

Wintry Mix concert in Hendersonville

FLAT ROCK – The 80-member Hendersonville Community Band will perform its holiday show, “A Wintry Mix,” at 3 p.m. Sunday in the conference hall at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 W. Campus Drive.

Tickets to the show are $10 at the door. Advance tickets are available at the Hendersonville

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