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Why Can’t Politicians Hold Their Drinks?

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is swarmed by media at City Hall after City Council striped him of emergency management powers on November 15, 2013 in Toronto, Canada.(Aaron Vincent Elkaim/Getty Images)

Why does it seem politicians can’t hold their drink?

Alcohol is often associated with DUIs and sex scandals. Crack-smoking Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s recent “drunken stupor” is just the latest and perhaps most bizarre in a long line of politician brushes with alcoholism.

New York Congressman Vito Fossella saw his career go down the tubes after a DUI in 2008. Former Go Daddy lawyer and Arizona gubernatorial candidate Christine Jones picked up a DUI in 2004, and pundits have said this will likely hurt her 2014 chances.

But DUIs do not always equal the end of political careers. Still in office, Idaho U.S. Senator Michael Crapo registered a blood alcohol content of .11 percent in his DUI last year. If Crapo were a schoolteacher, construction worker, or bus driver, he’d have lost his job.

After being accused of severe crimes, politicians have often blamed alcohol.

In 1980, Congressman Robert Bauman admitted to being an alcoholic after pleading “not guilty”

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