- Image by Ben Sutherland via Flickr
Primary elections are just around the corner, May 4th to be exact. AshevilleLiveCam.com is a big proponent of the notion that everyone who can vote should vote. Even primary elections are of great importance, since they determine who will be on the final ballot on Election Day in November. For those of you who are “too busy” to vote in the primary election on May 4th, your excuses are dwindling. One-Stop Early Voting opens April 15th and runs through May 1st. If you’re not yet registered to vote, you can also take care of that at the same time, making it worthy of the name “One-Stop”. This is an easy way to avoid the lines, vote on your schedule and make sure your voice is heard.
If you need to know who and what you will be voting for, go to http://www.sboe.state.nc.us/VoterLookup.aspx?Feature=voterinfo and enter your information in the form. After submitting, click on the link that says “My Sample Ballot”. You will get a PDF file showing you what your particular ballot is going to look like. The Mountain Xpress should be publishing their candidate issue on April 21st.
Starting April 15th, you can vote at the Buncombe County Training Center at 199 College St. in Asheville. The following locations will open for One-Stop Early Voting on April 17th:
- Black Mountain Branch Library – 105 N. Dougherty St, Black Mountain
- South Buncombe Branch Library – 260 Overlook Rd, Asheville
- Fairview Branch Library – 11 Taylor Rd, Fairview
- West Asheville Branch Library – 942 Haywood Rd, Asheville
- Leicester Branch Library – 1561 Alexander Rd, Leicester
- Parks, Rec. & Cultural Arts Dept. Bldg. – 70 Gashes Creek Rd, Asheville
- Jupiter Fire Department – 331 Jupiter Rd, Weaverville
For maps to these locations, check out the Buncombe County One-Stop Early Voting Locations map. For more information on One-Stop Early Voting, including what identification you need to bring with you, visit the North Carolina State Board of Elections site.