RALEIGH — North Carolina’s most vocal gun rights group is threatening to sue Raleigh if it doesn’t update signs in city parks that tell visitors firearms aren’t allowed.
Grass Roots North Carolina sent a letter to the Raleigh City Council this week, requesting an update to the signs now that state law allows concealed-carry permit holders to bring guns to playgrounds, greenways and college campuses.
In an email, Raleigh parks director Diane Sauer told the group it would be too expensive to replace all signs in the city’s 100-plus parks – especially because state lawmakers might change the rules again.
“Due to costs associated with and the potential of this coming up again, we are not going to replace all signs at once,” Sauer wrote to a Grass Roots member. “As signs are replaced (age or damage) or new signs are added, we will include updated information.”
Grass Roots North Carolina president Paul Valone says he doesn’t buy that argument.
“I find that disingenuous,” Valone said. “It’s not too expensive – you don’t have to replace them or anything, just take them down.”
Valone provided photos of several park signs that say
Article source: http://www.newsobserver.com/2013/10/25/3309706/gun-rights-group-threatens-to.html If you need a cheap air ticket, hotel or rental car please visit http://www.airticket.com