- Image via Wikipedia
From Facebook groups to blogs, full blown websites to Town Hall meetings, Asheville is going nuts for Google Fiber. Ever since Google announced it would be bringing its ultra-high-speed bandwidth connections to a select few towns across the country, the people of Asheville have been ga-ga for Google. Asheville isn’t alone, though. All across the country, cities and towns have raised their hands and collectively grunted, “Ooh, ooh, pick me, pick me!”
I don’t know if Asheville will get it, but I certainly hope so. We’re certainly qualified, methinks. Don’t believe me? Take a look at http://googleavl.com/, a website devoted solely to the Google Fiber initiative. If you aren’t convinced already that Asheville deserves a shot at the project, a little browsing on that site should go a long way toward making up your mind.
The latest post is very interesting. It’s a video put out some time ago by AdvantageWest and Meet-the-Geeks showcasing some of the advanced technology innovation going on in our fair city. I’ve reposted the YouTube video below, but I encourage you to head over to Google Fiber Asheville to find out how you can help to bring this amazing opportunity to Asheville.
The audio may be wonky, but it’s the message that matters!